Monday, October 6, 2008

Guild Heraldry Vote

Hey Folks,

Last night the guild hit level 10 and it was awesome to see everyone's efforts combine to get this done. Now our latest project is to vote on a Guild Herald.

So for those of you who are interested in designing please keep the following in mind

- Do not SAVE the herald I REPEAT DO NOT SAVE IT! if you do so it will cost you 10 gold and there is not changing the herald once it is created. Its a one shot deal.
- Maximum Submissions 2 and thats it, anything else will be tossed out the door.
- Take a screenshot of the Herald you've designed and submit it to
- Try to keep it fair do not ask or beg for people to vote for yours
- Have fun with it
- Deadline is 10/10/08 for submissions Voting will begin 10/11/08

I'm willing to have this contest go for approximately 1 week after the deadline before we select a winner. Therefore inform those who are interested and lets get it done


Here's my submission and i will add more as people submit theirs:

Aphrodite Submissions:

Second Submission

Neco Submission:

Number 2:

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